The Golf Club invites you to join them at courses in the BOP and Waikato
Start times for all games 10am

Congratulations to the Winners of the Nett Cup for the Clubs New Zealand inc North Island Women's Golf Tournament.
Karen Collins, Kim Copestake, and Christine Evans from the Tauranga Citz Club

Our Heros - they did it - Congratulations



Karen, Chrissy & Kim have brought the trophy home


Welcome all golfers to 2024 we are looking forward to a great year.
Dates for the coming year 10am starts
Game fee $30 (Adjunct sub $30)

 Game dates for 2024

July 14th Matamata

Aug 18th Tirau

Sep 8th Lake View

Sep 29th Morrinsville

Oct 20  Stewart Alexander
Nov 3 Mystery Bus Trip

Dec 1st Matamata Christmas Fun Game

Hello Golfers

What a great turnout for our opening game for 2024.
The weather was good, the camaraderie better, the golf
just average.  We played a “Split 6’s” team game and comingout on top was Team “ Gorgeous Golfers”  comprising of
Irianny Chrissie Wallace & Graham with 84 pts. Closely followed by the “Budding Golfers” team Alan Nigel Mary & Jeanette on 83 pts.
Third was “L.P.S.” Stumpy Paul Lloyd & Karen with78 pts.
A big welcome to our New or returning players:-  Nigel Rose / Joh Webb
Loreen Williams /  Stan & Cheryl Stanway / and David Sly (Tga Citz Club GM) I could see you enjoyed our company and are keen to have more of it in 2024.
Please come to the club on 21st or 22nd February to support or help with our days of selling the Club raffles.
Our Ladies team of Karen Chrissie and Kim are heading to Whangamata on 9th & 10th February to represent the Tauranga Citizens Club at the annual North Island tournament.  Play well but mostly enjoy the occasion.
The minutes of our Annual General Meeting held after the golf are attached.
I’ll catch up with you all at our next game at Fairview on 10th March. The next few games after that are, Thames on 7th April then TeAroha on  12th May.
(I’ll send out a full list of games after the last few are finalised.)

 Thank you Graham







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